Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thank You Visiting Wordsmiths

The editor of the Witty Wordsmith Dictionary would like to thank the following guest contributors for these new additions to the letter "P" section:

Patti @ Late Bloomer Boomer

par·a·digm /[par-uh-dahym, -dim]

1. 20 cents

Ralph @ Airhead55

par·a·pet /[par-uh-pit, -pet]

1. two beloved dogs, cats, birds, etc.

Lynn @ A Tired Mama

par·a·ble /[par-uh-buhl]

1. two bulls


Patti said...

Where seldom was heard a discouraging word.

the moose buyer said...

paralegals - two lawyers - sorry husband of my cousin but that's the best I can come up with.

Patti said...

Dear Mr. WW:
I couldn't access your comment section yesterday, but alas, I'm here today.

Parachute: When two police officers fire their service revolvers at the same time.